Instructions For Authors:

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The Pharmstudent is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short communications, reviews, case studies, comments/opinions, surveys, and hypotheses in all domains of pharmaceutical education and research. The primary objective of The Pharmstudent is to disseminate recent developments in natural products, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacovigilance, clinical practice, drug regulatory affairs, novel drug delivery systems, nanotechnology, pharmacokinetic and metabolomics, pharmacogenomics, and all other arenas of drug discovery.

Manuscripts should be submitted by the corresponding author in Microsoft word DOCX format through email to [email protected]; the type of manuscript should be mentioned as the subject of the email. The corresponding author should ensure that all the contents of submitted manuscript including figures and tables are original and not published elsewhere.

1.Types of Manuscripts:

Research Articles are comprehensive accounts of significant and original experimental and/or theoretical results that fit within the scope of The Pharmstudent.

Short Communications are preliminary accounts of significant and original experimental and/or theoretical results that fit within the scope of The Pharmstudent. Preferably, manuscripts should not exceed 2,000 words.

Reviews provide a comprehensive summary of broadly-based topics of general interest to pharmaceutical scientists. Reviews are not limited as to the number of words, tables, figures and references that may be included.

Case Study provides any unpublished report about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time, along with enough supporting information.

Comments/Opinions are generally agenda-setting, authoritative, informed and often provocative expert pieces calling for action on issues pertaining to scientific research and its ethical ramifications.

Surveys are investigating the experiences, opinions, or behaviors of a group for descriptive, correlational and to establish a cause-effect relationship.

Hypothesis provides novel, radical new ideas and speculations that fit within the scope of The Pharmstudent. These articles are of immense fundamental importance.

2. Organization of the Manuscript:

Manuscripts must be written in English, either in European or in American English but not the mix of it. The entire text should be in Times New Roman (font size 12), 1.5 line-spaced, including references. Headings must be bold upper case (font size 12); subheadings must be bold lower case (font size 12); and further subheadings must be bold lower case italics (font size 12).

Manuscripts must include the following sections in the order listed:

Title page
Materials and Methods
Acknowledgements (optional)
Conflict of Interest (if applicable)
Figure Captions

2.1 Title Page:

The title of the manuscript should be concise and informative.
The title should be followed by the full names of all authors and affiliation(s).
The full postal address of corresponding author including the e-mail address must be included at the end of the title page.

2.2 Abstract:

A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, methods employed, the principal results, and major conclusions in not more than 250 words.

2.3 Keywords:

Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid using 'and', 'of').

2.4 Introduction:

The Introduction should briefly indicate the objectives of the study and provide enough background information to clarify why the study was undertaken and what hypotheses were tested.

2.5 Materials and Methods:

Provide adequate information to allow the work to be reproduced. Authors should take ethical approval prior to experiments.

2.6 Results and Discussion:

The authors should present the results concisely and discuss the significance of the findings.

2.7 Conclusions:

It should elucidate the key findings and major conclusion of the study very concisely.

2.8 Acknowledgements (optional):

It should be used to identify all funding sources and to note intellectual, technical, or other assistance that does not warrant authorship.

2.9 Conflict of Interest (if applicable):

Authors should declare any conflict of interest associated with the study. For no conflict, the preferred wording is “we declare no conflict of interest”.

2.10 References:

The references cited should be selective rather than extensive and appear in the reference list at the end of the paper. The Harvard citation style or author-date referencing style must be followed throughout the manuscript. In-text citations are located in the body of the manuscript and contain a fragment of the full citation. The Harvard reference in-text citation looks like this:

For one author

Myocardial infarction and stroke are the leading cause of death (Fitzgerald, 2004).

For two authors

A range of values can express emotion, too. Stark, high-contrast drawings may carry a strong emotional charge” (Lazzari and Schleiser, 2011).

For more than two authors

It can be said that “knowledge of the stages of growth and development helps predict the patient’s response to the present illness or the threat of future illness” (Potter et al., 2013).

In the list of references, all sources should be given in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author as follows:

Fitzgerald F (2004) Epidemiology of myocardial infarction and stroke. Journal of Cardiovascular Health 58:468-493.

For journal reference

The standard structure of a journal citation includes the following components:

Last name First initial (Year published) Article title. Journal Name Volume:Page(s).

Ross N (2015) On truth content and false consciousness in adorno’s aesthetic theory. Philosophy Today 59:269-290.

Dismuke C, Bond M, and Egede L (2015) The impact of cognitive, social and physical limitations on income in community dwelling adults with chronic medical and mental disorders. Global Journal of Health Science 71:83-195.

For book reference

The structure for a Harvard reference list citation for books includes the following:

Last name First initial (Year published) Title. Edition (only include the edition if it is not the first edition) City published, Publisher: Page(s).

Daniels K, Patterson G and Dunston Y (2014). The ultimate student teaching guide. 2nd ed Los Angeles, SAGE Publications:145-151. For patent reference

References from patented articles should comply with the following structure:

Last name First initial OR Corporate Author (Year published) Title or Description of Patent. Patent number.

Masuyama T, Suzuki M and Fujimoto H (1993) Structure for securing batteries used in an electric vehicle. 5, 392,873.

For web reference

When citing a website, use the following structure:

Last name First initial (Year published) Page title. [online] Website name. Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].

Messer L (2015) 'Fancy Nancy' Optioned by Disney Junior. [online] ABC News. Available at: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/fancy-nancy-optioned-disney-junior [Accessed 31 Mar. 2015].

When no author is listed, use the following structure:

Website name (Year published) Page title. [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].

Mms.com (2015) M & M'S Official Website. [online] Available at: http://www.mms.com/ [Accessed 20 Apr. 2015].

For references “in the press”

References to a paper 'in the press' are permissible provided that it has been accepted for publication (the name of the journal and documentary evidence of acceptance must be provided):

Alternatively, for papers 'in the press”, if the DOI (digital object identifier) is known, then this should be cited instead:

Last name First initial (Year published) Article title. Journal name. doi.

Dahl R (2004) Localization of the binding site of the C-terminal domain of cardiac myosin-binding protein on the myosin rod. Biochemistry Journal. doi:10.1042/BJ20060500.

Conference paper

Conference proceedings are academic papers or presentations that are created or used for the purpose of a meeting or conference. Use the following structure to cite a conference proceeding:

If published online:

Last name First initial (Conference Year) Title of Paper or Proceedings: Name or Title of Conference. [online] City: Publisher of the Proceedings, pages. Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].

Palmer L, Gover E and Doublet K (2013). Advocating for Your Tech Program: National Conference for Technology Teachers. [online] New York, NCT:33-34. Available at: http://www.nctt.com/2013conference/advocatingforyourtechprogram/ [Accessed 11 Jan. 2014].

If not published online:

Last name First initial (Conference Year) Title of Paper or Proceedings: Name or Title of Conference. City, Publisher of the Proceedings: pages.

Fox R (2014). Technological Advances in Banking: American Finance Association Northeast Regional Conference. Hartford, AFA: 24.

3. Figure Captions:

Please make sure that figures are in an acceptable format (TIFF or JPEG) and with the correct resolution. Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Supply captions separately, not attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. The text of the article should refer to figures as "figure 1"and "figure 2".

4. Tables:

Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. Tables should be placed on separate page(s) at the end. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text as table 1 and table 2 and place any table notes below the table body.

5. Declaration and Copyright:
Declaration and Copyright form need to be submitted by the corresponding author (signed by all co-authors) along with the proof copy after the acceptance of the manuscript.

6. Submission Checklist:
You can use the below given list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to The Pharmstudent ([email protected]):

Ensure that the following items are present:
One author should be designated as the corresponding author with contact details:
E-mail address and full postal address
All necessary files should have been uploaded:
Including keywords
All figures (include relevant captions)
All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
References are in the correct format of The Pharmstudent
All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa
Also provide all figures as separate files